الاثنين، 7 سبتمبر 2009


Salman Masalha

Born in 1953 in al-Maghar, an Arab town in the Galilee, and has lived in Jerusalem since 1972. He studied at the Hebrew University and holds a Ph.D. degree in classical Arabic literature, for which he wrote a thesis on mythological aspects of classical Arabic poetry. He taught Arabic language and literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and served as co-editor of the Concordance of Early Arabic Poetry.

He writes in both Arabic and Hebrew and publishes translations into both languages. He has published 10 volumes of poetry; his articles, columns, poems and translations have appeared in newspapers, journals and anthologies in both Arabic and Hebrew as well as in various other languages. Some of his Arabic and Hebrew poems have been performed to music and recorded by leading Israeli and Palestinian musicians. For his book Ehad Mikan ("In Place"), He was awarded the President's Prize for Hebrew poetry.

Selected Writings

 * Balad fi al-Hulum (A Country in the Dream), Raya Publication House, Haifa 2022.
* Writing a Homeland The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley 2019.

* Ishq Mu’ajjal (Deferred Love), Raya Publication House, Haifa 2016.

* Fi al-Thara, Fi al-Hajar (In Dust, In Stone), Raya Publishing House, Haifa 2013.

* Fahm al-Mantuq (Between The Lines), articles 2004-2008, Elaph Library 2010.

* Lughat Umm (Mother Tongue), Zaman Publications, Jerusalem Summer 2006.

* Ehad Mikan (In Place), Am Oved Publications, Tel Aviv 2004.

* Khana Farigha (Blank Space), Zaman Publications, Jerusalem 2002.

* Rish al-Bahr (Sea Feathers), Zaman Publications, Jerusalem 1999.

* Six Early Arab Poets, new edition and concordance, (co-author with A. Arazi) Institute of Asian and African Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Max Schloessinger Memorial Series, Jerusalem 1999.

* Maqamat Sharqiyya (Oriental Scales), Jerusalem 1991.

* Ka-l-'Ankabut bila Khuyut (Like a Spider without Webs), Jerusalem 1989.

* Maghnat Ta’ir al-Khuddar (Green Bird Songs), al-Katib Publications, Jerusalem 1979.

* Mythological Aspects of Ancient Arabic Poetry, Ph.D. thesis, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1998.

Selected Articles:

* "Ropes of Air in the Middle East", published in French ("Les cordes du vent au Moyen-Orient"), Revue Lignes 46, Mars 2015, Paris, pp. 141-151

* "Hearts and Diamonds", published in French ("Cœurs et diamants"): Qantara, No. 73, Institut du monde arabe, Paris 2009.

* "Two Enemies in the Same Pit", published in German: "Zwei Feinde in derselben Grube", Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 14. Januar 2009.

* "He Made a Homeland of Words", published in: Haaretz Books Supplement, September 2008.

* "The Apache War", published in: Haaretz, August 3, 2006

* "On the One Hand, on the Other Hand", published in: Middle East Transparent.

* "The Unlettered Prophet and the People of the Book" (Arabic), 14 essays unveiling the problematic relations between Muhammad and the Jews.

* "The City of the Walking Flower", published in French: "La Cité de la Fleur qui Marche", Qantara, No. 32, Été 1999.

* "Tribal Tribulations", published in German: "Stammesfehden", Israel-Ansichten, ed. Hans-Georg Meyer, Rheinhessische Druckwerkstatte, Alzey, Mainz,  Marz 2002

Selected Translations:


* Al-Jami'ah (Ecclesiates), translated into Arabic, Zaman Publication, Jerusalem 2020.

* Nashid al-Anashid (Song of Songs), translated into Arabic, Zaman Publication, Jerusalem 2020.

* Al-Quds, Dirasat fi Tarikh al-Madinah, (Jerusalem, on the History of the City), Yad Ben Zvi Publications, Jerusalem 1990

* Hakaya al-Intifada (The Intifada Tales) by Dror Green, Jerusalem 1990.

* Haim Gouri: "Selected Poems", translated with an introduction, Masharef, No. 30, 2006.

* Aharon Shabtai: "Selected Poems", translated with an introduction, Masharef, No. 23, 2004.

* Agi Mishol: "Selected Poems", Masharef, No. 17, 2002.

* Ronny Somek, Lion's Milk, selected poems, Ibn Luqman, Al-Mansura 2010.

* Uzu waMuzu min Kafr Kakaruzu, by Efraim Sidon, Center for Children's Literature, Nazareth, 2000.

* Breyten Breytenbach: "selected poems", translated with an introduction, Masharef, No. 15, 1997.

* Wislawa Szymborska: "selected poems", translated with an introduction, Masharef, No. 13, 1997.

* Seamus Heaney: "selected poems", translated with an introduction, Masharef, No. 5, 1995.


* Zekher La-shikheha (Beiruth Diary) by Mahmud Darwish, translation, commentary and epilogue, Schocken Publications, Tel Aviv 1989.

* Hatzabar (Wild Thorns), by Sahar Khalifah, Galileo, Jerusalem 1978.


* Qisas al-Tawrat fi al-Rusumat al-Islamiyya (Biblical Stories in Muslim Paintings), Israel Museum, Jerusalem 1992.


For Arabic, press here
For Hebrew, press here
Press here to go back to "IN PLACE"


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